Journal Vol I No 3

A limited number or copies of the AMeTh Lodge Journal Vol I No 3 are currently available. Please email for more details.

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Summary of the Articles

Dedicated to our late Brother Wlodek, this is a veritable feast provided by members and guests of AMeTh with some fine examples of the magical and ritual work they engage with as a part of their work in the Lodge, in addition to the regular O.T.O. rites of Initiation, seasonal rituals, Feasts for the Times and the celebrations of the Gnostic Mass.

The dominant themes are dreams and divination. In a first for AMeTh Lodge Journal, we include creative writing in the form of poetry, a piece of short fiction and some wonderful artwork that has been a signature feature of the journal from the beginning.

In this issue, we feature further work by Brother Gary Dickinson and Sister Ashka. Additionally, we are delighted to present work by Sister Annabelle, Sister Tonelise, Soror Astarte and Frater Alcor, as well as several works by the talented Brother Asa, whom we also must thank for the magnificent front cover.

Preceded by an excellent introduction by the Editor, Frater 515, the following articles await to delight, entertain, inform and challenge you:

  • Republishing the Via Tarot

A short account of Sister Sue Jameson’s adventures with her stunning VIA Tarot that began with two lucid dreams which led her to do a scrying using an obsidian sphere placed on the Sigillum Dei Aemeth and calling upon the Enochian Angel, one of the Daughters of the Daughters of Light, which she had seen in one of the dreams. The VIA Tarot has been out of print for some years but now a new, limited edition is available – see the Journal for details!

  • The Rite of Maat

In The Rite of Ma’a, Brother Reuben Friedman presents a ritual invocation of the goddess Ma’at that explores the eternal interplay of opposites and their reconciliation in the idea of balance. He also describes the genesis of the idea in dream, as well as the key theoretical concepts driving the ritual.

The working is inspired by Br. Reuben’s own personal meditations upon the Egyptian Book of the Dead, primarily the sections involving the weighing of the heart, and subsequent dreams as a result of these meditations. These latter occurred over several weeks and took the form of a series of lucid dream interactions with Ma’at in which She showed him how he should proceed in constructing the ritual.

  • The Elements, Shamanic Ritual and the Aces in the Tarot

 Sister Tonelise Rugaas’ experience of attending a shamanic festival in northern Norway became a springboard for a meditation on the role played by the five elements in the Tarot and realisations about the archetypal nature of symbols and ritual somehow innate in human consciousness. Sister Tonelise illustrates her article with two pieces of her own artwork, drawings inspired by the Tarot Aces that truly capture the raw elemental power of those cards.

  • Mors Janua Vitae: Jean Morton Williams

This is a brief, heartfelt tribute to the memory of the late Jean Morton Williams by Frater Alverda, focusing on Jean’s role as a Priestess in the celebration of the Gnostic Mass over many years. A beautiful black and white photograph of Jean behind the veil on the altar by Ruth Beyer and an image of her certificate of ordination as a Priestess of Ecclesia Gnostica Catholica accompany the words.

  • Deconstructing the Demon Star: An occult history of Algol, the most evil Star in the sky

 Brother Dave Moore examines the lore, legend and literature surrounding the star, Algol, that most infamous of celestial bodies. His discussion of the historical and cultural underpinning to Algol’s notoriety sets the scene for an enquiry into the fascination the star seems to hold for those involved in some of the darker byways of modern occultism. Yet Algol has been brought into service as a protector and can also be viewed as: “the celestial equivalent of many other figures of yore that, having been historically reviled and even pitied, have subsequently been turned into a personification of potential. A scapegoat for the skies put to constructive use.”

  • THELEMAGIA – Aleister Crowley & The Temple of Wisdom: The Rosicrucian Way of Geomancy

 Thaumast here sets the divinatory practice of Geomancy in its proper historical context out of which it arose. In a masterly way, he brings to bear his deep knowledge of the primary texts and makes fascinating links with the I Ching, a system to which he has devoted many years of study. He also addresses the key issues that tend to be faced by those who would put the source material to practical use. This article is an invaluable resource for those interested in what Crowley termed “that sublime and difficult art”.

  • AMeTh Lucid Dreaming Group: Experiments in Dream Control

In this beautifully illustrated collection of pieces concerning the Lucid Dreaming Group, the reader will gain an insight into the activities of a magical working group within the Lodge. In addition to the ritual itself – a Talisman charging ritual created by the Lodge Master, Soror Dahud-Ahes – the hard, practical work behind the many and varied preparations that take place in the weeks leading up to its performance is described in full.

Brother Raj gives an account of the origin of the group – inspired in the presence of Dionysus, while in contemplating and discussing The Priestess Atu in the Thoth Tarot. Frater Eosp Horus details the evolution of the creation of the talisman. Frater Andre elucidates on the astrological method used for electing a time for the ritual to charge the talisman and Brother Asa tells the story of the creation of a subsequent talisman, to work with Hypnos as a deity in support of the work of lucid dreaming. 

  • The Gamahe

This is a very well-crafted dark, fascinating and compelling short story, both earthy and chilling, by Luxor Tenebris, surely inspired by Thaumast’s essay on geomancy. To say any more would be a spoiler! Read, savour and shiver….

  • ”Tzaddi is Not the Star”: The Counterchange and the New Aeon

 Brother Franc O’Shea addresses in some depth and detail Crowley’s much-debated change to the traditional tarot attributions in response to Liber AL I:57. For those who find themselves perplexed over the background and the reasons for the change, as well as for the seasoned Thelemite with their own definite opinions on the matter, this essay is sure to prove as instructive as it is provocative.